We live in a time where people refuse to see where God is directing or listen to what God is saying. We are living in a day when many of us could be characterized as rebelling against God, even though that might sound completely ridiculous.

Think about it for a minute. Everything today is designed to isolate us, give us autonomy, enhance individualism, and emphasize being "self made." The word of 2015 is "ME!" The rebel's of today's society are you and me, so full of self-indulgence at times.

And we perpetuate our focus on self through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even our own individual blogs. They all reflect our insatiable desire to express ourselves, to tell others what we think, what we do, and where we go. They all highlight our desire to point the world to one thing, the wrong thing - OURSELVES! We want to lift ourselves up and feel, in some twisted way, the world's affirmation. Of course, God's direction for us is toward Him and others - we should love God and love others.

At the core of our rebellion is our lust for self, to do things our way, to have personal success. Surrendering our "self" nature for an "others" nature is God's way of breaking the rebellion. God dislikes self-aggrandizement and self-centeredness.

Through this blog I have tried to encourage others by pointing away from self and pointing to what God is doing in my life. I try to write about the things that I think about and the things that affect me and my life...because if I am going through it or have experienced it and I can point others to God through it then it makes all this worth it.

I started this blog at the encouragement of my late wife and I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for her and the prayers that she sent up on my behalf. I only hope that I can continue to honor the Lord through this and always point to him.
