The Hardest Three Words To Say Ever

I don't know about you but I have trouble admitting when I am wrong. Saying those three little words are sometimes the most painful and difficult words to utter. I AM WRONG! (I totally shuttered when I wrote that.)

Pointing out the wrong in other people is a gift that we all have and we all excel at. It is so stinking easy to do. It is so easy to want it to be someone elses fault. I have found in my own life it is so easy to be critical and cynical when I get caught up in my own limited perspectives and opinions. But let someone point out my own wrong or faults and that mean and on'ry guy will often times show his face.

As I sat in my living room the other night I was thinking about how my kids like to blame one another for things that "happen mysteriously" around our home. "Not Me" is like a magical ghost that floats about our home making all sorts of mischief. When my wife and I correct them about blaming someone else for their mistakes I am reminded about how pride, insecurity, and fear can make one not take responsibility for their actions. I think the reason that I could see it so clearly in them is because I can see it in myself everytime I look in the mirror.

The thing that we have to remember is that we can do one of two things when faced with this opportunity. We can live in our pride and blame the other person, focus on their flaws and mistakes, and refuse to take ownership of our own flaws and mistakes. If we choose to live our lives like this it will increase in our own self and decrease in the Lord. God will not make His home in a heart that holds dearly to pride.

But when we are humble we can honestly access what we did wrong and what we are contributing to this conflict or problem. And a humble heart will ask for forgiveness. That response will lead us to humility and increased dependence on the Lord.

James 4:6 says, "But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”  And in Proverbs 29:23 it is written that, "One’s pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor." What these verses are trying to explain to us is that it is better to be lowly and humble than to be high and proud. I have heard both of these verses all my life and it is these that I find some of the hardest to live out. When I am in an argument with someone it is so easy to just blame them and ignore my own culpability. But this is the wrong way to go. These verses remind me to not assign blame and own my own part of the problem. I have been finding that when I assume ownership of it with a heart of humility rather than of pride, then I find where my own fault lies. Then if the person that I am in conflict with doesn't assume responsibility of their own issues they will have to deal with God not me!

There are jewels to be found in the ground that is conflict. We just have to mine them out. Jewels of grace and honor and humility can be found if you just dig deep enough to find them. And just like mining for gold, it isn't easy. It is hard work. The only way you will ever see victory in this area is to put in the time and stop blaming others. All you have to say is three little words: I AM WRONG!

I ask that everyone please pray with me that I find the humility that God has for me. That when I am wrong that I follow God's instruction in this. That when I am wrong and it is presented to me that I accept it in the grace and humility that I am supposed to and not in anger or bitterness. And I will pray that you do the same!
