"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31 ESV

How many times have I prayed for a situation to have a certain outcome, imagined a problem has only one solution, and lost heart when that outcome or solution didn't occur? How many times have you seen that happen in your life whether it be at home, at work, or in your finances?

And then we learn something very important, that God has something so much better in store.

That is what the verse that Paul wrote in Romans 8:31 proclaims loud and clear.

My life has never been what I would call easy. And it is my fault. Hard to believe? Well let me lay it out like this. When I am living the way God has told me to live and I am obedient, things may still go wrong but I am secure in God. When I am living only for myself, my family, my job, and then things don't go as planned, I am quick to despair, ask the question, "Why?" and go into a state of depression.

The right thing to do is to remember Romans 8:31 and cling to the promises of God.

To remind ourselves that in every outcome - whether good or bad - that God had a plan in place where He would be glorified and not me or my job or my family. We have to get ourselves to the point in our relationship with God where we depend on Him the way we depended on our earthly fathers when we were small children. He is the one that ultimately supply's our every need, notice I didn't say desire I said NEED!

So the next time you are in a situation that you can't see your way out of; step back, take a breath, and pray for God's will to be revealed but most important simply be obedient.
