
There is an old proverb that I heard one time, "Man plans and God laughs!" That may make you smile, but planning without God is not a laughing matter. It isn't only boastful, it is sinful.

I try to plan out my week sometimes weeks in advance. I start off Monday morning with the intention of sticking to my schedule and live out the "plan" that I laid out the week previous. And when things occasionally go against the plan I try and make adjustments.

But without a plan, without a vision, without something to strive for-even if God adjusts it as you go-nothing is going to happen, and you may be missing the very thing that God wants you to do.

Have you had people in your life who have blessed you by spurring you on to greater things? What you might not know is what motivates them. I think, more often than not, those people had someone encouraging them to think beyond what was right in front of them, to dream of what might happen if they minimized the moments in their lives when they looked back and said, "I wish I had done that differently." They want you to avoid that.

There is no doubt that God has a special plan for my life and for yours. He expects us to not only plan but to act and if He wants us on a different path then we need to be obedient and follow Him there.
