Letter to Satan

I heard this on the radio and got a copy of the transcript. I felt like it was something that needed sharing for someone out there that might not have ever heard this. 

Lead Pastor of a2 church, Chris Goins read this letter to Satan on WDJC in Birmingham today:

Several years ago Bob Moorehead wrote an incredible letter to Satan some time ago… I want to read it… Maybe this needs to be YOUR FREEDOM DECLARATION…

Satan, take note and listen well… You will not conquer me… I am blood-washed, daily delivered, strongly sanctified, Spirit-soaked, and Word indwelt… You are wasting your energy on me…

I’ve set my face… I am linked with a sovereign and eternal power… You’re a deceiver, but you won’t deceive me… You’re a roaring lion, but I will not be devoured… You’re extremely subtle, but I’m on to your ways… You parade as an angel of light, but I walk in a stronger light… Your days of deception are over with me…

I won’t be detoured, derailed, distracted, distorted, discouraged or disillusioned by your schemes… Your influence will not cross the “NO TRESPASSING” sign on the gate of my life…

I’m off limits to you now… My doors are closed to you… You won’t walk in, crawl in, sneak in, slither in, pry in or barge into my life. I have a permanent guest who now lives inside and He will not share my temple with you…

You may lure, lie, linger, lurch, laugh, but you won’t come in! You’re days are numbered! You’re kingdom doomed! Your designs are dwindling! Your evil eroding! Your devilishness dissolving! Your designs decaying! Your progress is poisoned! And your “ultimate victory” party has been canceled!

You can’t trap me with your teasing, soil me with your subtlety, or defeat me with your deception, because “He that is in me is great than You!” So, get off my property!
