War And Peace

'For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility '
Ephesians 2:14 ESV

I have been alive for almost 40 years. And for as far back as I can remember there have been people coming up with ideas for bringing about world peace. Multiple organizations spend countless dollars, people volunteer years of their lives, an untold number of books have been written, and treaties between nations, large and small, have been ratified, all in the hope that peace would finally reign on earth. All these efforts, while admirable, have been in vain. Wars still break out. People around the world still suffer. Millions die every year due to the wars started by vain and jealous men. And if you don't believe me, just watch the news. 

When I was in middle school we had to take world history, a course that I loved because I have always been drawn to the past and what I can learn from it. And after learning about the history of our world and my country, I am a firm believer of the old saying that goes something like this, "If you don't learn from your past history, you are doomed to make the same mistakes again." 

When World War I broke out it was called the "war to end all wars," but sadly that wasn't the case. There would be another World War, a Korean War, a Vietnam War, a Desert Storm, an Afghan War, and a war in Iraq. And that doesn't include the others that our country wasn't even involved in or that I might have left out.

It doesn't matter if men shoot each other or fight with each other on a faraway battlefield, there is a war that is being fought right here at home. It is a battlefield between husbands and wives. It is a battlefield between parents and their children. It is a battlefield between brothers and sisters, neighbors and strangers, and even between bosses and their employees. The kind of battle I am talking about doesn't involve any weapons or bombs. It is often simply a war of words. A war that we lose everytime we say a hurtful remark or try to get one last dig in before you walk away. 

Here me when I say this, there will never be peace on this earth as long as man believes that he is in charge. You might ask me what can I do? Simply put, turn to God. That is the only lasting solution to the battles that we fight. It is the only true way to peace in this world. Only God can take away the pain, the hurt, the greed, the hatred, the bigotry, the racism, or the jealousy that hides deep in the hearts of men and women everywhere. He is the only one that can offer a solution to our "worldwide" problem. He offers us contentment where before there was disappointment and dissatisfaction, forgiveness where there was hatred, and violence and anger with peace and love. All because over 2000 years ago, a man walked up a hill, dragging a cross, and was put to death for our sins. He stood in our place and took upon Him the wrath of God towards mankind for all history. 

It doesn't matter what you've done before, what matters is what you do now. Whatever "wars" rage inside your heart, your home, or your world, lay them at the feet of Jesus and ask Him to give you the peace that you are so desperately searching for. 
