The Strongest

No matter what you think God is not limited by your weakness. Or mine. God doesn't have to work around our weakness or in spite of it to love you. He actually wants to work right in the middle of our weaknesses. As a matter of fact, God does some of His best work in the storms of our struggles. And when we let Him work, we are going to experience His strength like never before.

If we will slow our lives down and allow God to touch the wounds in our lives that we try to hide and protect, He will transform them. But most importantly He will transform you and I. By the end of the journey, we will begin to understand the odd prayer of the apostle Paul, "For Christ's sake, I delight in weakness...For when I am weak, then I am strong." Paul had learned in his life that if he relied on the strength of God that he would be strengthened through his weakness. All of his strength came through what the world would think would be weakness.

We all have the same opportunity. We all have the chance to come to Him and seek grace that is offered to us all. We all have the opportunity to be strong, maybe not the physical strength, but we can all be strong spiritually.
