Which Do You Do?

Recently I had a good friend point out that I was being all too judgemental of others and it really ate at my soul and my heart. As I pondered and prayed about it God brought to my attention the words of Paul in Romans chapter 2:1.

Romans 2:1 says, "You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things." Let me set up what Paul is trying to say here. In the first chapter of Romans, Paul introduces himself and then dives of into the heart of the gospel - EVERYONE has fallen short of God's standard for us, neither the Jews or the Gentiles have lived perfect lives and that remains true today.

People who knew God didn't glorify Him or give thanks to Him, their hearts became dark and filled with sinful desires. They became immoral and lustful, they told lies, and were prone to all sorts of wicked behavior. Paul didn't stop there. They had been envious of each other, murdered one another, deceitful with one another, gossiped about each other, slandered one another, walked around with great arrogance, were senseless in their actions, faithless, heartless, and basically completely disobedient people. Remind you of any one?

Paul tells us in Romans 2:1 not to be quick to point out their failures or to judge them with condemnation. We aren't any more successful in keeping the rules and laws than anyone else. We all need God's mercy, grace, and forgiveness. So be slow to judge.

When you find yourself in a moment where you are about to apply judgement to someone or their life try using a little discernment instead of judgement. Use a little redirection and encouragement. Be what we are meant to be to the world, Christ's hands and heart. Help others to get to the bottom of their problems and encourage them to change their ways. If this does nothing else, I promise it will do wonders for your heart.

Thanks to the one who pointed this out to me....I needed it.
