
I know that this has probably been said before and I'm sure that it will be said again, "Thank God that He loves a broken man!"

As I lie here alone, in a dark and quiet house tonight I am reminded that God is always here. I am reminded that even in the darkness God will shine the light so that you and I might see. I am reminded that no matter what mistakes I have made or will make in the future that God has already covered them and atoned for them. 

I have done a lot of living in my 36 years and I have done and said things that I am surely not proud of but I lean on the fact that God has covered them. My best intentions are only that: intentions! They are no good unless there is action to follower them. 

Every day I hit my knees and I pray for mercy and grace for the things that I do daily. Does this make me perfect? Absolutely not! It only makes me what I already am, a broken man. It takes humbling myself every day to show God that I do indeed bow to Him and Him alone. So the next time you think I'm on the wrong road or maybe that I might be acting high and mighty just take the time to talk to me and I'll explain how it feels to be constantly broken. 
