Under Attack

Since it is June and Father's Day is just a few days away I thought I would write this one about how fatherhood is under constant attack these days. I could come up with another statistic to show the pain that disengaged dads are causing but I won't waste your time. We can see through the eyes of society at large the damage being done by fatherless homes. They are more likely to produce young men and women who underperform academically, abandon the faith, become addicted to drugs and alcohol, and also become engaged in violent crime.

Dads, the enemy has us in his sights. He wants each and every one of us to fail. There is so much at stake and we fathers require a spiritual depth that won't come from fishing, going to a college football game, or watching tv. It will take all our courage and determination to regain the ground that we have lost, the ground our fathers lost, and our grandfathers lost. With all the bad news in the world there is some good - our God is the perfect Father and He will teach us and empower you and I to succeed. If we humble ourselves and study His word He will provide us with guidance, encouragement, and instruction that we can't find anywhere else. He shows us how to model His attributes and raise our young men and women properly. Contrary to popular belief, all is not lost.

But, we must understand our enemy's methods if we are to be victorious. Consider this analogy: Satan's lies are like Tabasco sauce. Some are flaming hot and some are mild. Lies like: you deserve a better family, God doesn't care about you, you're ok you got this one, and it's ok to be a workaholic so your family can have the "good" life. It is the goal of the enemy to get us to consume any deceit he gives us.

If he can't get us to physically leave our families, he will at least try to convince us that we are doing all the things a father is supposed to do under our own power. One thing Satan knows is that together we are a formidable foe but get us alone and we are easier to pick off.

Don't be tricked by the lies of the enemy. Commit to being the leader of your home and accomplish this by relying on God's power not on your own. The Lord wants you to succeed for your sake and the sake of future generations.
