The Great Southern Idol

I will say this up front, I am a huge football fan, especially the SEC and my favorite team the Arkansas Razorbacks.

Today is national signing day for a few select young men that have put in hours upon hours of blood, sweat, tears, and plain old hard work both academically and physically to have the opportunity to play college football. While I am interested in who my school gets, because I would like to see them win more than 3 games next year, it does not rule my life. The fact that some kid from another state or even from the great state of Arkansas chooses to attend another school will not ruin my day nor will I let it ruin my witness for Christ.

Football in the context that it is meant for is not a bad thing. It can build character, teach hardwork, an attention to detail, and teamwork. Football ruling your life 365 days a year is an IDOL. And we all know what God says about an IDOL. Check the 10 Commandments! (I am speaking to myself as much as anyone who reads this blog.)

I think that, especially in the south, we as Christians have lost our way a bit. When guys know more about the recruits that their school is signing than the Scripture something is wrong. When you know the score of some games from 20 years ago and where you were sitting but can't witness for Christ something is wrong.

As I said before I love football but not as much as I love Jesus. It's just a game. Took me some time to realize it but it's just a game. Simple as that. It shouldn't be a replacement for what should be our true focus, a relationship with Jesus Christ and His people. It shouldn't replace an opportunity to minister to those hurting and lost souls around us. There are more of them than there are seats in Bryant Denny, Jordan Hare, and Reynolds Razorbacks Stadium.

All I am saying is lets keep this thing in its proper place. 
