Stretched and Squeezed

Times, like we are experiencing right now, can stretch and squeeze any man. If this current situation has taught us anything, it has shown us that any of us can be knocked down. Our health can change, our job can be here one day and gone the next, or a treasured friend or family member can be taken away faster than you can snap your fingers. It is times like we are experiencing that show who or what we actually believe in.

And to me, that is the great thing about my God. He never changes. He is as solid as Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, TN and so are the commandments and promises that He gave to each and every one of us. So when times like these come to bear, I have to make a decision - do I believe God for who He says He is or do I not?

We have been tested so many times. The great Depression. World War 2. Korea. Vietnam. Recessions. Death. Divorce. Loss. And now the most recent health crisis facing our world will not be the last time we are tested. It is not the last time that the economy will be unstable. These things change as quickly as the wind, but as I have gotten older and hopefully wiser, I have learned to trust in God and the things He promised.

Honestly, how can I have the guts to stand before God and ask Him to bless me with a great job, stable income, and a healthy family while at the same time not following His lead in my life? If I am to be the spiritual leader in my home, I have to be the man that God has called me to be. I have to follow His lead, make the decisions He instructs me to make - no matter the consequences. Any action taken under God's guidance will honor Him and I will find that my decision to be faithful is the light that will draw me out of the storm.
