"If you do not understand God's character, you will fall prey to circumstances dictating your emotions. Instead, trust in Him who oversees the circumstances." ~ Tony Evans
Working with micromanagers has never been easy for me. I can't stand to have someone stand over me, directing me to move this way and that. I have always been the type that would bristle when put under a yoke. It tends to bring some internalized anger, mixed with a pinch of bitterness, and marinated in thoughts of pinching someones head off. All in all, it makes for an unhappy sasquatch.
And if I am honest with myself, I am sure that there are folks out there that would say the same thing about me. I am sure, at best, they have had a talk with God about me and at worst, they curse my name anytime they see my phone number pop up or an email come thru. I am this way because I am a perfectionist. I want things the way I want them and when it doesn't happen just so...I struggle. And the problem with being this way is that I tend to trust more in my ability rather than God's character and it always ends badly. You would think I would learn after 41 years of trying it my way.
Romans 12:18 says, "If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." When I read this verse, I interpret it to say that we should do everything we can to live and work in peace with everyone around us. So when I am faced with potential conflict or problems, I need to stop and ask myself, "Is this the battle I want to fight right now? Is it worth fighting?"
And you know what, when I ask myself that question, rather than react, I more than times than not find that the battle isn't worth being fought. It was a more like a small skirmish, a little rift that popped up on my life's radar then as fast as it appeared it's gone. I have found that these little dramas were things that, in the big picture, really didn't matter anyway.
Now hear me, I am not perfect. I get wrapped up in my flesh and I get off track from time to time. But I have learned that I can live in peace with God and with my fellow man. It is only when I allow my heart to trust God with the outcomes, peace will reside in my heart. And when my heart is content, my attitude and outlook always follow.
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