'Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. '
Matthew 11:28-29 ESV
The older I get and the longer I follow the path of Jesus Christ, the more I find that my faith is every bit as much a mental attitude as it is a matter of the condition of my heart. Faith is about how I look at the world around me; it is how I interpret the things that life throws into my path on a day to day basis. As I have grown, both in age and wisdom, I have learned that faith is about knowing that something is to be true, not just most likely true. Concrete truth.
The passage I included above is one of my all-time favorites in a book of favorites. But as I read this again this morning, I had a word jump off the page that hadn't before. Learn. Jesus is telling me to "learn" from Him. Then came the obvious question, learn what? What is the connection between Christ telling me to learn from Him and to take rest in Him?
I have found that the closer I get to the heart of God, the One who created me, the more I learn what it means for me to walk by faith and not by my own sight. There are things that I just have to know are set into concrete and are absolutes in my life. To learn these things is not a quick thing. It takes a lifetime of progress and setbacks. A man has to learn that God is faithful and that assurance only comes over time. A long time. It is learning from the things that come into your path and learning from the mistakes. Learning from the things that worked and watching God do His word over and over again. Everyday admitting that God is more than able to accomplish His work without me and knowing it in my heart. He is more than able to do it.
In my own life, the part where Christ tells us to "learn from Me" is that He wants me to learn that He is absolutely and perfectly faithful in all things. I have to learn that Christ can't lie to me. I have to learn that Christ doesn't make any mistakes. And I have to learn to trust in the direction that Christ sends me in.
It is when I learn that Christ is truly sovereign in every area of my life then I can truly find the rest that He describes above. Christ won't be something He's not. He is who He is and who He is to me is faithful.
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