Best Laid Plans

I normally don't get too political on this venue but for a moment I have to say something regarding something that has been in the news quite a bit the last few days...last week a story came to bear in the media regarding the treatment of illegal immigrants especially when it comes to the way family situations are being handled, with the children being separated from their parents or family members. An action which, as a father and a citizen of the United States, I find both deplorable and upsetting.

But first let me say this, I believe that if you want to come to our country and immigrate here you should do so by legal channels, the right way. I have a problem with people coming into our country illegally and being given the rights and benefits of our natural born or nationalized citizens (via classes and procedure.) Also let me share that while I did vote for our sitting President, I don't always agree with the things he says and does, such is my right as a citizen of the United States of America.

Now back to my original statement above, ours is a country based on Christian principles and the faith which our forefathers brought to this country. And even though I may be a backslidden, ex-Nazarene, I find the process of the way the law is being handled in this situation to be a terrible injustice. The law that is being "radicalized" and pushed to the forefront is a terrible one and needs to be changed. It goes against the faith that I struggle with and the Bible that I believe in.

As Christians, we are called to obey our masters, to pray for them and submit to their authority, as long as the actions that they put forth are in line with God's word. We should enforce every law in our book, so long as it goes along with God's Word. And as a wise pastor friend of mine said yesterday, "I can find no justification for separating families from their parents. It is wrong and simply immoral. And to use the Bible to justify it is unthinkable."  I personally can't come up with a better way to put it. He hit the nail on the head...But wait there's more.

The way I see things right now, we as American's, especially as Christians, have allowed both sides of the political arguments to infect our belief structure. And both sides of the aisle, Republican, and Democrat, have lost their collective minds. All the while, as we argue over this issue on Facebook and Twitter and on Fox News and CNN, the WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that around 3,000 human babies are aborted in America each day of the week, worldwide the number goes up to 125,000 human lives lost. Every single day a brave man or woman, serving in our Armed Forces puts their life on the line, simply doing what they felt called to do and protecting our country and freedom to argue, fuss, and fight. And in countries like North Korea and China, Christian brothers and sisters have to hide out and live like prisoners in their own homes or in an actual jail cell simply for believing in Christ. They suffer daily persecution for just believing in the true Word of God.

All the while, Christians (or so-called Christians), get on their soapbox of choice, Facebook or Twitter, and tear into each other over the things that President Trump has said, done, or is about to do. We tear each other apart and get worked into a frenzy over these things when, if we are truly following Christ's example, we would be doing quite the opposite. Now hear me, I am not saying that we can't disagree politically or about policies laid down by our government, but we can't do it to each other when it comes down to something going directly against God's word. To do this makes us no different than the world that, if we are truly the Christian we claim to be, we are called by Jesus Christ to evangelize and show the love of Christ.

When we are truly saved, we are called to live a life set apart from the world. We are not supposed to live like the world Monday through Saturday, then on Sunday go to worship, pop our suspenders, and call out to God like we have served Him faithfully all week long. That is what hypocrites do and if I am honest, while I am not in church like I ought to be and I will be the first to admit to it, I know right from wrong and believe in the uncompromising Word of God, but you could easily call me a hypocrite too. I will be the first to tell you that if you depend on my blog or what I say to get to heaven, brother you need to find a good pastor and a good church and allow the Holy Spirit to change your heart. God is working on me even now, and honestly, this is why I have sat down at this computer tonight.

I am writing this as much for myself as I am any other person that reads this tonight, tomorrow, or after I am long gone. I learned a long time ago to work out my faith with fear and trembling for I serve a mighty and just God. But God doesn't want us to argue and fight, He wants us to unite under His banner, His infallible and Holy Word, to get our lives straight and to help others come to know and understand the Grace that we can only gain through Jesus Christ.

But like I said before, this is just the opinion of a backslidden ex-Nazarene working as hard on his own faith but wanting to be as real as I can about the path I am on...Sasquatch out. 
