Life Of Prayer

A prayer does have to be full of eloquent words or contain the language of a well known theologian in order for God to hear it. In fact, I am of the opinion that it is a the simplest and most heartfelt prayers that God hears and please Him the most. 

When we make a decision to follow Christ and turn from our old lives, we became children of God. We were adopted by Him into His family for eternity. And through that adoption we have the right to come directly to God and to address Him as our Father. I find that at times I still struggle with the right words that I think God wants me to say when in reality all I have to do is simple tell Him what He already knows is on my heart. As a Christian, we are like little children when we first get saved. When you were small and starting to learn to speak, you didn't always say the right words the right ways and it is the same in the life of the Christian. But ask any mother that heard her child speaking in those early days and I guarantee they wouldn't trade those moments for anything. They are near and dear to their hearts. And so it is with God and our prayers to Him. 

When Paul said to “pray without ceasing,” in 1st Thessalonians 5:17, he chose a term that was used in his day to describe a persistent cough. Just as the cough reminds us constantly that we are sick, we should be reminded to repeatedly, throughout our day, to turn to God in praise and thankfulness for everything He does for us and to seek His wisdom and counsel. God is interested in everything His children do and there is nothing too great or too small to share with Him. 
