"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
Hebrews 13:8 ESV
I would have to say that the Scripture I have referenced above is the greatest guarantee a man has in his life. In our lives, nothing stays the same for long. Jobs come and jobs go. Money is made and money is lost. Friends come in for a season but most are gone before you know it. People die. But there is one thing that is always consistent-Jesus Christ.
Change, more often than not, has to do with some sort of loss but that isn't always a bad thing. While some changes are painful ones, they still can bring great relief when the soul stretching situation is over and done. Even still, every time our path changes, the change will inevitably bring with it some amount of uncertainty.
If you really live the life you are meant to live, then you will lose and it will suck. But if you keep at it, eventually you will win and it will be oh so sweet. Both are facts of life that we can't change. So why fight it so hard? Our God is the master of forming us and preparing us for the battles that come ahead of us. He knows that the path will change and He knows the exact moments those changes will come and if we are faithful and allow Him total control, He will guide us through them. Notice I never said we would come through unscathed. I mean, Jesus knew what He was sent to do and I don't believe I have ever heard where he came through it without a scratch. In fact, I believe that He has the scars to prove He fought the battle for our souls. I have found that if I praise God for the scars that I create an awesome dependency that pushes out my independent streak.
Friends, the great comfort in all this is that although things will change in our lives, the one thing that never changes, is eternally constant, is Jesus Christ. He offered the same grace yesterday, the same grace today, and the same grace tomorrow. All we have to do is put down our independence and rely on Him.
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