Weather The Storm

Battles, struggles, difficulties, and complex situations are often referred to as "storms." The natural reaction for any follower of Jesus when he's faced with these storms is to simply get through it in hopes of better days. There is even a saying that goes along with it: "Weather The Storm."

Weathering a storm is a decent game plan and no one would argue that it shows anything but resolve. Weathering, in fact, produce true grit in a man. It toughens him where he is weak.

True disciples must learn to do more than just simply survive a storm. They must make sure they don't ignore the experience by simply putting their heads down and standing their ground. When the head is down, so is your eyes, and a man can't see what is going on around him when his eyes are fixed upon his boots.

The next time you see a storm brewing in your life, don't ignore the coming rain. Welcome them as an opportunity to grow and gain more experience that can enrich your relationship with God and give you an opportunity to share the experience later in life.

In nature, storms are essential to the growth and health of any ecosystem. Constant sunshine only produces a barren desert land full of thorns and thirst. The same thing happens to me when I ignore my quiet times with Christ and don't read His word. These things hold true for all Christians so that we experience proper growth and health of our relationship with Jesus Christ.

The apostle John was exiled to an island called Patmos for what his accusers felt sure was a well deserved torture but while he was there Christ revealed Himself to John and we received the book of Revelation. It may be that John could not hear God speak until he got away from the hustle and bustle of every day life. It may be that God knew that John needed worship in order to hear Him, so He placed John on a deserted island where he could hear God's message.

The storms we experience are not what they appear to be when we follow in the footsteps of God.

“Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.” Revelation ‭1:7‬ ‭ESV‬‬
