
“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account.” Philippians 1:21-24 ESV 

Williams James once said, "Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact." Mr. James understood that humans can accomplish almost anything if their minds tell them that it can be done.

I have found that this truth certainly applies in business. The difference between the winners and losers lies directly between their ears. I have heard that P.O.W's who were able to play golf or invent something new, skills they didn't have before their imprisonment. Isolated in captivity, their minds visualized everything it would take to accomplish new things, and then they were able to do them. It is clear to me that our minds are very powerful parts of who we are.

The apostle Paul had two visions of his future. One, he would live on in his painful body, in prison most likely, and teach more people about the Kingdom of God. In the other, Paul would die and be with Christ. Spiritually, Paul was in a great place, he was able to accept either version of his life and find contentment in it. This was all because God was in charge of Paul's life and not Paul. Paul put his focus and his thoughts on the tasks at hand, the task of telling others about Christ and leading them to the knowledge of Him. Paul's knowledge of Christ helped him to endure his present trials.

As I am sitting here I am thinking of the things that I have to "endure." Am I being persecuted? Nope. Am I being driven into hiding? No, not that either. I have a great job, six children that love me very much, a woman that loves me and treats me better than I deserve, a roof over my head, and warm food in my belly...if this is something I have to endure then send me some more. I joke but in all seriousness, what is going on in my life that causes me to think, I just don't know if I can do what God is asking me to do? What is stopping me? Whatever it is, whether it is a project God wants me to accomplish, a goal that I need to achieve, or a problem that needs to be overcame, if God calls me to do it, I can have complete confidence that it can be done. Take a moment and let that marinate in your mind..."If God calls me to do it, I can have complete confidence that it can be done." Picture with me how that will work out. Focus your mind on the truth of the vision. Your mind is a powerful part of who you are, especially when it is filled with faith and focused on God.
