Today I am 13,715 days old. I have been walking around this earth for 37 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days. I was born on a Tuesday. I am writing on a Thursday. If you string all these days together it can seem somewhat overwhelming. But I can tell you that it honestly has passed by faster than I would like to admit. I am a work in progress. 13,715 days in progress. If I was a high rise building someone would most definitely be getting fired for taking this long to build it.
I know that in my 13,715 days that there have been times when something unexpected has happened, something unplanned and completely unpleasant and I was left asking the question that I am sure every reader has asked, "Why is this happening to me? or What is the purpose of all this?" And even though I don't welcome any of those kinds of days, in 13,715 days I have learned that there is a godly purpose behind everything. Even during the most painful of days, I know that God has a plan. I rely on the fact that Christ is working behind the scenes through those situations to make sure that His plan is completed. What happens on the journey may seem unfair at times and even can be painful but I truly believe it is all part of God's overall plan for my good and the good of others around me.
I have been through professional heartache. I have had wins and losses and even been fired from a job once or twice. I have been disappointed by people I put my trust and faith in time and again. What I have been through in my professional life really probably isn't that much different that yours. It is simply a different set of circumstances and challenges to deal with and ultimately overcome.
But I have also gone through my share of personal heartache, including a divorce and death of a spouse, as well as other friends and loved ones along the way. I have experienced real struggles from time to time that made absolutely no sense to me. Notice I said "to me." They made perfect sense to God. All was according to His plan. Thankfully most days aren't like that but the challenges in all parts of my life seem never-ending at times.
For me, when you lose someone extremely close to you, such as a spouse, a child, or a parent, you naturally question God's plan. You want to know how the loss of this special person could in any way positively effect your life or the life of anyone else. Truthfully, I don't know the answer to that question. And I don't want to. I realized a long time ago that I don't have to know all the answers and I don't have to possess a copy of the "blue prints." I rely on the fact that I know God is working on my behalf. He has preordained my 13,715 days. He knows when I will have good days. He will celebrate with me when I succeed. God also knows when I will have bad days. He knows when I will lose my temper with my loved ones or my employees. He will also spur me and convict me to make amends with those I hurt.
Philippians 1:6 says, "And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to ABSOLUTE completion at the day of Jesus Christ." (Absolute is my own words.) And this is a verse that is worth memorizing and branding on your heart. There will be many times in your life when you will be holding on to nothing more than the promise that God is diligently working on your behalf.
He has been faithful to me for 13,715 days and He will be faithful on the 13,716 day. All we have to do is hold tightly onto His steady hand and walk along the path that He provides, trusting that all is in His plan.
I know that in my 13,715 days that there have been times when something unexpected has happened, something unplanned and completely unpleasant and I was left asking the question that I am sure every reader has asked, "Why is this happening to me? or What is the purpose of all this?" And even though I don't welcome any of those kinds of days, in 13,715 days I have learned that there is a godly purpose behind everything. Even during the most painful of days, I know that God has a plan. I rely on the fact that Christ is working behind the scenes through those situations to make sure that His plan is completed. What happens on the journey may seem unfair at times and even can be painful but I truly believe it is all part of God's overall plan for my good and the good of others around me.
I have been through professional heartache. I have had wins and losses and even been fired from a job once or twice. I have been disappointed by people I put my trust and faith in time and again. What I have been through in my professional life really probably isn't that much different that yours. It is simply a different set of circumstances and challenges to deal with and ultimately overcome.
But I have also gone through my share of personal heartache, including a divorce and death of a spouse, as well as other friends and loved ones along the way. I have experienced real struggles from time to time that made absolutely no sense to me. Notice I said "to me." They made perfect sense to God. All was according to His plan. Thankfully most days aren't like that but the challenges in all parts of my life seem never-ending at times.
For me, when you lose someone extremely close to you, such as a spouse, a child, or a parent, you naturally question God's plan. You want to know how the loss of this special person could in any way positively effect your life or the life of anyone else. Truthfully, I don't know the answer to that question. And I don't want to. I realized a long time ago that I don't have to know all the answers and I don't have to possess a copy of the "blue prints." I rely on the fact that I know God is working on my behalf. He has preordained my 13,715 days. He knows when I will have good days. He will celebrate with me when I succeed. God also knows when I will have bad days. He knows when I will lose my temper with my loved ones or my employees. He will also spur me and convict me to make amends with those I hurt.
Philippians 1:6 says, "And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to ABSOLUTE completion at the day of Jesus Christ." (Absolute is my own words.) And this is a verse that is worth memorizing and branding on your heart. There will be many times in your life when you will be holding on to nothing more than the promise that God is diligently working on your behalf.
He has been faithful to me for 13,715 days and He will be faithful on the 13,716 day. All we have to do is hold tightly onto His steady hand and walk along the path that He provides, trusting that all is in His plan.
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