“Early in the morning He came again to the temple. All the people came to Him, and He sat down and taught them. The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?” This they said to test Him, that they might have some charge to bring against Him. Jesus bent down and wrote with His finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask Him, He stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” And once more He bent down and wrote on the ground. But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” John 8:2-11 ESV
This morning while doing my quiet time I came upon the above scripture in John chapter 8 and I what I found was an incredible story about someone caught in open sin who encountered Jesus. It was the woman who had committed adultery. I don't know much about her, other than she was married and she was caught in the act of adultery. During Jesus time this was a crime carrying a tough punishment. Death by stoning. Imagine for a minute living in a world where cheating on your spouse carried a death sentence. Our world would be short a few people if that were the law today. But the Pharisees weren't just bringing her to judgement, they wanted to see if they could catch Jesus slipping.
They drug this woman in front of Jesus while He was in the temple. And I can almost guarantee that there was an crowd already gathered around. This woman was "caught in the act" so most likely she wasn't very well clothed either. They had overwhelming evidence against this woman. So they asked Jesus what should be done with this woman. They thought that He would either obey the law of Moses to stone her to death or He would go against the law and further their plans against Him and bring a charge against Jesus for disobeying the law. But in a way that only Jesus could, He responds in a way that these men couldn't see coming. Their vision was on the "here and now." It was blinded by their love and dedication to the law.
Jesus tells the Pharisees that who ever in their group hadn't sinned could step up to the woman and throw the first stone. As I am sure you already know, we have all sinned. There has been only ONE person to walk the earth sinless and that was Jesus. Jesus was the only one that was justified and righteous enough to pick up, but He didn't. The Pharisees had all sinned so how could they be justified to judge this woman. I can close my eyes and see all these men slowly dropping their stones and walking away until only this woman and Jesus are left. This woman - who was a sinner and caught in her sin - no doubt she was carrying embarrassment and shame for what she had done, is now left all alone with the only sinless person that has ever lived.
I imagine that she was in awe of this man that had saved her life. I can honestly say that I have felt this same feeling even though I haven't "physically" been in the presence of Jesus. The sense of awe, humility, and conviction that the Holy Spirit puts upon us is such a blessing. Truly told, when I am in that place when I KNOW that I have failed God and KNOW I have grieved the Holy Spirit, I want to be as far away from Jesus as possible and not for the reason you might think. My desire for distance isn't due to fear of Him but because in that moment I feel so ashamed of myself and unworthy of His grace. If you have ever felt the convicting power of the Holy Spirit then you understand what I mean and you can relate to what this woman was feeling.
I can relate to this woman's life changing experience with Jesus. She must have been thinking as she was drug into the temple, "I am about to die. I wish there was someone who could save me." She was as near death as anyone in the history of the world ever has been and a Savior stepped in to save her and He gave her grace that she didn't deserve. He does the exact same thing with you and I every time we come to Him in humility seeking forgiveness. This same story is told over and over again in the New Testament and through out history. Just stop and listen to the testimony's of the ones that have gone on before us. They are all sinners experiencing an encounter with Jesus that changed their lives forever.
If you don't know Jesus personally, He wants to do the same thing for you today. If you are in a battle with sin or temptation, Jesus is standing right there to step in for you just like He did the woman in John 8 and just like He continues to do for me. And in the same awesome way He will extend grace to you. It is up to you to receive it the way the woman did or you can walk away like the Pharisees, dropping your stones as you walk along the path.
This morning while doing my quiet time I came upon the above scripture in John chapter 8 and I what I found was an incredible story about someone caught in open sin who encountered Jesus. It was the woman who had committed adultery. I don't know much about her, other than she was married and she was caught in the act of adultery. During Jesus time this was a crime carrying a tough punishment. Death by stoning. Imagine for a minute living in a world where cheating on your spouse carried a death sentence. Our world would be short a few people if that were the law today. But the Pharisees weren't just bringing her to judgement, they wanted to see if they could catch Jesus slipping.
They drug this woman in front of Jesus while He was in the temple. And I can almost guarantee that there was an crowd already gathered around. This woman was "caught in the act" so most likely she wasn't very well clothed either. They had overwhelming evidence against this woman. So they asked Jesus what should be done with this woman. They thought that He would either obey the law of Moses to stone her to death or He would go against the law and further their plans against Him and bring a charge against Jesus for disobeying the law. But in a way that only Jesus could, He responds in a way that these men couldn't see coming. Their vision was on the "here and now." It was blinded by their love and dedication to the law.
Jesus tells the Pharisees that who ever in their group hadn't sinned could step up to the woman and throw the first stone. As I am sure you already know, we have all sinned. There has been only ONE person to walk the earth sinless and that was Jesus. Jesus was the only one that was justified and righteous enough to pick up, but He didn't. The Pharisees had all sinned so how could they be justified to judge this woman. I can close my eyes and see all these men slowly dropping their stones and walking away until only this woman and Jesus are left. This woman - who was a sinner and caught in her sin - no doubt she was carrying embarrassment and shame for what she had done, is now left all alone with the only sinless person that has ever lived.
I imagine that she was in awe of this man that had saved her life. I can honestly say that I have felt this same feeling even though I haven't "physically" been in the presence of Jesus. The sense of awe, humility, and conviction that the Holy Spirit puts upon us is such a blessing. Truly told, when I am in that place when I KNOW that I have failed God and KNOW I have grieved the Holy Spirit, I want to be as far away from Jesus as possible and not for the reason you might think. My desire for distance isn't due to fear of Him but because in that moment I feel so ashamed of myself and unworthy of His grace. If you have ever felt the convicting power of the Holy Spirit then you understand what I mean and you can relate to what this woman was feeling.
I can relate to this woman's life changing experience with Jesus. She must have been thinking as she was drug into the temple, "I am about to die. I wish there was someone who could save me." She was as near death as anyone in the history of the world ever has been and a Savior stepped in to save her and He gave her grace that she didn't deserve. He does the exact same thing with you and I every time we come to Him in humility seeking forgiveness. This same story is told over and over again in the New Testament and through out history. Just stop and listen to the testimony's of the ones that have gone on before us. They are all sinners experiencing an encounter with Jesus that changed their lives forever.
If you don't know Jesus personally, He wants to do the same thing for you today. If you are in a battle with sin or temptation, Jesus is standing right there to step in for you just like He did the woman in John 8 and just like He continues to do for me. And in the same awesome way He will extend grace to you. It is up to you to receive it the way the woman did or you can walk away like the Pharisees, dropping your stones as you walk along the path.
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