I read the link below this morning on Facebook and I was inspired to include the post and this young man's picture. The image of this young man struggling to achieve a goal that he has set is more than commendable. We live in a society that is full of young men just like this one but they feel like they are owed something. They grew up in a time where every one got a trophy or a ribbon for simply showing up. This young man hasn't been poisoned by those thoughts. He knows that in order to be successful in what he wants he has to work for it. He doesn't allow his situation to defeat him. He has a goal and a plan. That is more than I can say for most grown men these days. This young man doesn't have the name brand shoes or clothes. He doesn't have someone behind him pushing him to succeed. He doesn't have fancy work out equipment. He has a chain, two tires, and a whole lot of guts.
I printed out a picture of this young man and his story and placed it on my bulletin board at work for my employees and myself. It will serve as a reminder to us that nothing is owed. Everything must be worked for. It takes dedication to ones self and to the craft in which you choose to be a success.
This young man is the epitome of what JJ Watt was talking about when he said, "Success isn't owned, it's leased and the rent is due every day!"
"I rode past this young man jogging. I had to go back and speak with him. I asked him why he was running with that on. He said he said he was working to make north-side freshman football team. I asked if he ever played metro and if he knew me,lol all the boys know Coach Earl. HE said no he never played football because his family couldn't afford it,and he didn't know meHe asked if i knew him,and why i stopped. I said "no i didn't know him, but keeping working and stay focused and determined and more important people then me will know you,and i stopped to motivate you to keep doing what you doing love to see self motivated kids. Look at this picture closely,look at his training equipment that he made.He don't have on Lebron's or kds. No cold gear. Straight grinding. I was less fortunate i wanted to play aau and high school ball. We couldn't afford that stuff. We got what we needed and some of what we wanted. I get it. He was me,and i was him. I gave him my name and number so he can workout with my boys,told him we have sleds,parachutes,resistant bands,weights etc. He was geeked up. Best part of all, the whole conversation took place while he was still jogging. He said sorry to be rude coach but you gotta drive while i jog, i gotta stay moving. He didn't wanna stop long enough to take a pic!When a kid want to succeed as bad as they wanna breathe........then they will be successful."
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