There are often perks and privileges that come with being a successful leader. Many leaders enjoy being in charge, making the decisions that will affect the direction of their company, delegating the implementation of their plan to those working with them, having the best office, having others to defer to them during a meeting, and other things like that. As one gets ahead in their professional life, it's hard not to get a big ego with it. The tend to come hand in hand.
As an example of leadership, King Solomon enjoyed all these perks and much, much more. Like few leaders before or since, he had wealth, power, wisdom and plenty of servants. Other rulers traveled long distances to listen to his wisdom, and other rich men came to marvel at his wealth. Yet from this lofty position Solomon cautioned, “humility is the fear of the LORD; its wages are riches and honor and life.”
As an example of leadership, King Solomon enjoyed all these perks and much, much more. Like few leaders before or since, he had wealth, power, wisdom and plenty of servants. Other rulers traveled long distances to listen to his wisdom, and other rich men came to marvel at his wealth. Yet from this lofty position Solomon cautioned, “humility is the fear of the LORD; its wages are riches and honor and life.”
Wages accompany a job well done. If a leader is effective, they will be compensated with wages in the form of money or other perks. But a person who is humble gains greater wages. Which will you choose? The wealth that comes with a job well done by any means necessary or will you choose the eternal reward?
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