The second that Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they were guilty of sin. God had already warned them that there would serious consequences for sin. The price required to pay this debt is death. God didn't mean that they would die right away but their deep, intimate relationship with God was severed the second they both sinned. God loved them so much, He wanted them to be able to have a second chance. He had a plan for someone to take the punishment and fix their broken relationship.
Just like Adam and Eve, we each have sinned too. We have all chosen our way over God's way at some point in our lives. Isaiah 53:6 say, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned-everyone-to his own way; and the Lord has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all." Thus none of us are good enough on our own to have this intimate relationship with God. You can't follow all the rules and live a "good enough" life and expect to see God on the other side. The only way that we can be "good enough" is when we come to the realization that Jesus is the only answer. We can be good enough the moment we believe in Jesus and trust in Him alone. god gave His people rules in order to show them the way life works best. He wanted them to learn that they could never be good enough without His help. The help that I am referring to is Grace!
Grace is a gift that we can never ever earn. There is no job, no amount of money, and no amount of service for others that we can do that will ever earn this gift called grace. God is the only one who can give this gift and He gives it freely. Without it we all fail to please our Father in heaven. It is only by power through the grace of the Lord that we can resist the temptation of sin. It gives each of us power to live sin free lives. It only comes when we put our faith in Jesus. Romans 3:3 tells us, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," which mean that there is no one alive or dead that is "good enough" on their own.
You might be asking, how did this grace come to be? Well simply put Jesus died for all our sins. It is hard to imagine anyone taking the punishment for something that they didn't do but that is exactly what Jesus did. Only Jesus could take the beatings and bear the weight of sin all the way to the cross. How? He did it because He lived a sinless and holy life. He didn't disobey God. Each one of us that draws breath doesn't deserve this gift. The truth is that God didn't send Jesus to take our place because we deserved it, He did it simply because He loves us all. He knew all the way back to the Garden that when Adam and Eve sinned that He would have to sacrifice His one and only Son to cleanse the world and restore our relationship with Him.
What does this mean? Well it means that when you accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord of your life that you are completely and totally forgiven every sin that you ever committed. God doesn't think about the bad things you did because He knows that His Son took the punishment for them. It all starts when you start to live for God and stop living for yourself and yesterday. And then when God looks at you He no longer sees the sin, He see's a new person....what the world say about you doesn't matter anymore...what matters is what God says about you.
Just like Adam and Eve, we each have sinned too. We have all chosen our way over God's way at some point in our lives. Isaiah 53:6 say, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned-everyone-to his own way; and the Lord has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all." Thus none of us are good enough on our own to have this intimate relationship with God. You can't follow all the rules and live a "good enough" life and expect to see God on the other side. The only way that we can be "good enough" is when we come to the realization that Jesus is the only answer. We can be good enough the moment we believe in Jesus and trust in Him alone. god gave His people rules in order to show them the way life works best. He wanted them to learn that they could never be good enough without His help. The help that I am referring to is Grace!
Grace is a gift that we can never ever earn. There is no job, no amount of money, and no amount of service for others that we can do that will ever earn this gift called grace. God is the only one who can give this gift and He gives it freely. Without it we all fail to please our Father in heaven. It is only by power through the grace of the Lord that we can resist the temptation of sin. It gives each of us power to live sin free lives. It only comes when we put our faith in Jesus. Romans 3:3 tells us, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," which mean that there is no one alive or dead that is "good enough" on their own.
You might be asking, how did this grace come to be? Well simply put Jesus died for all our sins. It is hard to imagine anyone taking the punishment for something that they didn't do but that is exactly what Jesus did. Only Jesus could take the beatings and bear the weight of sin all the way to the cross. How? He did it because He lived a sinless and holy life. He didn't disobey God. Each one of us that draws breath doesn't deserve this gift. The truth is that God didn't send Jesus to take our place because we deserved it, He did it simply because He loves us all. He knew all the way back to the Garden that when Adam and Eve sinned that He would have to sacrifice His one and only Son to cleanse the world and restore our relationship with Him.
What does this mean? Well it means that when you accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord of your life that you are completely and totally forgiven every sin that you ever committed. God doesn't think about the bad things you did because He knows that His Son took the punishment for them. It all starts when you start to live for God and stop living for yourself and yesterday. And then when God looks at you He no longer sees the sin, He see's a new person....what the world say about you doesn't matter anymore...what matters is what God says about you.
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