God gave us His very best when He sent Jesus to the cross, and God calls us to give our best to Him as well.
I once heard a professor in college say, “the separation is in the preparation.” What he was trying to tell me was the reason I would succeed in life was because I prepared the best I could for each challenge that lay before me. What set me apart from other people wasn’t my abilites or my skill, but the amount of preparation I put in.
The same is true for all of us. The separation between good and great organizations is the preparation people are willing to put into doing the absolute best they can do. Organizations that anticipate great things prepare for greater things.
Sitting around wanting something great for yourself, your company, or your family is not a bad thing; in fact, it can be the fuel that sets the vision in your heart on fire. However, many times it’s not a lack of vision that holds us back from achieving maximum potential, but rather our lack of execution.
There will never be a day when we don’t have a next step to take in our walk with Jesus or in our roles as leaders. We don’t have to be perfect, but we should work hard, learn as much as we can, and THEN trust God to make up the difference.
We cannot effectively lead people long term if we are not dedicated to increasing our leadership capacity. As long as we are learning, we are growing. When you stop growing as a leader, you begin dying as one.
While writing this I had to ask myself a hard question and I want you to ask yourself the same one: Are you honestly and sincerely giving your best effort in what the Lord has called you to lead? What steps are you taking to increase your knowledge and capacity to lead? Hard questions I know all too well but needed ones. God doesn't promise us easy but He will bless us when we step out in faith.
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