
This weekend I watched a little of the NFL's Honors program where they gave out the yearly awards to players that excelled during the most recent season. One of my favorite defensive players, JJ Watt, won the Defensive Player of the Year honor and when he stood up to accept it he had a few choice words for those that might have overlooked him coming out of high school. He said, "I was a two star recruit coming out of high school going into college, and now I have three defensive player of the year trophies. So screw all you guys who doubted me.” Basically he was saying that we shouldn't allow anyone to rate, stereotype, or categorize us or anyone that we love.

We have to start looking beyond all the hype and evaluations, categorizations, and rankings that we or others put on us. I see kids being paraded around ESPN like rock stars when it comes to where they are going to college. People are judging these kids by the way they can tackle or carry a football. Just because you are the fastest kid on the playground doesn't make you a good man. Just because you drive a Mercedes Benz or a Yugo doesn't have any impact on what kind of person you are. The job that you have whether it is flipping burgers or being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company doesn't matter if you aren't a good person.

Matthew 8:2-3 says, "A man with leprosy approached Jesus and knelt before Him. "Lord," the man said, "if you are willing, You can heal me and make me clean." Jesus reached out and touched him. "I am willing," He said. "Be healed!" And instantly the leprosy disappeared."

The leper that ran up to Jesus that day wouldn't have been given much of a chance by the world of that day's standards. It would be like someone with HIV or AIDS running up to Jesus in today's world. Such an outcast in biblical times might not even rate one star. Society considered lepers unclean. Isolated from the rest of the population, they had to keep their distance and shout, "Unclean!" to warn others when they approached.

But Jesus saw this man as a wonderful and valuable child of God. He saw beyond the surface and saw the heart. Rejected by the world, embraced by Christ. So the next time you start to judge or gauge someone look beyond the surface and look to the heart to determine the kind of person they are and can be.

Do you know someone who feels valueless, worthless, like a social outcast? Maybe it is time we speak up, seek them out, and offer help. Don't allow yourself to be swayed by how society rates others. Instead, strive to look at others the way Christ sees them, as God's precious creations, made for God's purposes. It will not only change your perspective but it will inspire you to help lift them up.
