Love or Hate?

"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." 1st Peter 4:8 ESV

I don't know about you, but I think it will take a whole dump truck load of love to cover not only the sins I committed in the past. But also what about things I am doing now or in the future? Well that is the story for us all. If you are like me it is hard to fathom the kind of love and forgiveness that Jesus gives us all. We may all come from different backgrounds, live in different houses, make differing amounts of money, even drive completely different kinds of automobiles but the ultimate equalizer is that none of us is different when it comes to the grace that we all need, whether we know it or not!

I think it is so awesome when I see someone love another person despite their mistakes and their sins. We have the choice to forgive the person that wronged us or we can wallow in hate and anger. We all know that our struggles with sin will continue on earth and only ending in eternity with God. Jesus is the ONLY person that ever lived that lead a sinless life. The cool thing is that He knows EXACTLY what challenges that each one of us will face. Even if we accept Him as our savior , even if we try to do each and every thing right, we will never be able to avoid sin. Thankfully, God's love and forgiveness is ours for the asking. There is no amount of money or amount of effort we can give that will gain us entry into His presence. Love given from those we have wronged and the love we extend to those who have wronged us will go a long way toward binding up the wounds we carry and helping each one of us overcome any crisis that we face.

We are assured of Jesus sacrificial love and forgiveness to cover our sins. That assurance provides us all with a fresh starting point when we fall short of God's standards. Sin is simply part of human nature. So is love. Hate the sin but love the sinner. Love given or received is the best thing to change and to gain forgiveness.
