It's Never Too Late

My parents did a lot of things that didn't make sense to me when I was growing up. I knew my best interest and that of my little sister was the most important thing to them but like any child I didn't always think that they were being very fair. I was allowed to disagree with them but only to a certain extent. But ultimately I had to agree with their decisions for me whether I liked it or not. Sometimes that was the hardest thing for me to do and honestly it didn't always make me very happy.

But you know what? I always knew I could trust my parents. Still can! Their decisions were always for my benefit whether I understood it or not. I learned early on in life that I was supposed to respect them and they made it clear to me that it was expected. They showed me that a child should honor their parents and respect them by the way they spoke to my grandparents and for that I am thankful. They showed me early in life that God's Word was important, another thing that I will be eternally grateful for. My dad taught me how to work hard and how to ask for forgiveness and my mom taught me how to love with reckless abandon. All things that every kid needs to know before they leave home.

Parents play a huge role in shaping who we are as people. My parents no doubt shaped me into the man that I am. I have friends that grew up in difficult situations and some that wish their parents had shaped them differently, but as bad as things can sometimes be nearly every parent does something right, something worthy of honor and respect. Our culture today has become more cynical of parents and it is more expected to criticize parents than to honor them but God's command is to honor them and that is more important and I promise it reaps more benefits than we might think. As adult children it is important to respect our parents for the role that they play in our lives.

I want to take this opportunity to publically thank my parents, John and Debbie Mosley, for all the sacrifices and for all the things that they gave up for me when I was growing up. Simply for giving me life. They always provided shoes(especially when my foot was growing out of control), clothes, and we always had a warm home to come to with a hot meal waiting. They always took care of me as they knew best. They gave me grace when I didn't deserve it. They straightened me out when I needed a rod of correction to get me back in line. Basically, thanks mom and dad for each and everything you have ever done. I know I don't always say it but you two made me the man that I am and for that I will be eternally grateful.
