"And a leper came to Him, imploring Him, and kneeling said to Him, 'If you will, you can make me clean.' Moved with pity, He stretched out His hand and touched him and said to him, 'I will, be clean.' And immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean." Mark 1:40-42 ESV
What I like about this guy is that he got straight to the point. He didn't beat around the bush or kick rocks around while speaking to Jesus. He got right down to business, "If you will, you can make me clean." This guy had it. He had no reason to, based upon how he was treated in the community he lived in those days, but he had it.
Jarius had it as he left the side of his sick daughter to find Jesus in the crowds far from his home. While he was gone, sadly his daughter died. But Jarius still had it.
Mary and Martha, about as different as two sisters can be, both had it as they wept over their brother, Lazarus, lying stone cold dead in the tomb not far from their home in Bethany. And even though they felt Jesus was slow to come to their aid, they still had it.
What is this "it" that they all had? Simply put, belief. They all believed that Jesus was who He said He was. They all believe that He was the Christ, the promised Messiah, and the one and only Son of God. They all believed that He could do what He said He could do and the believed that He cared for them and others. They heard what He was saying and about the miracles He was doing, and they believed.
If you are anything like me, then listen very closely to this next part. Don't confuse understanding with believing. None of them understood, due to the things about Jesus being so far beyond their comprehension and ability to understand. (Count me down as one of them.) There are biblical scholars who have spent their lives studying the Scriptures who can't understand all that Jesus did and continues to do for us. But the all still believe.
That is something that we can all do. Each one of us can believe that Jesus can heal that loved one who is sick. You can believe He can provide you with that job that you so desperately need. I can believe that He can change my heart each and every time I come to Him. It isn't necessary to understand how He is going to do all these things, we simply just need to believe that He can! If you look around your life you can see the evidence of His life, death, and resurrection. It isn't hard to find. Just look and believe.
I don't know how to say this any plainer but simply put Jesus said it. He did it. Just like Nike says "Just Do It!" Jesus says "Just Believe It!"
What I like about this guy is that he got straight to the point. He didn't beat around the bush or kick rocks around while speaking to Jesus. He got right down to business, "If you will, you can make me clean." This guy had it. He had no reason to, based upon how he was treated in the community he lived in those days, but he had it.
Jarius had it as he left the side of his sick daughter to find Jesus in the crowds far from his home. While he was gone, sadly his daughter died. But Jarius still had it.
Mary and Martha, about as different as two sisters can be, both had it as they wept over their brother, Lazarus, lying stone cold dead in the tomb not far from their home in Bethany. And even though they felt Jesus was slow to come to their aid, they still had it.
What is this "it" that they all had? Simply put, belief. They all believed that Jesus was who He said He was. They all believe that He was the Christ, the promised Messiah, and the one and only Son of God. They all believed that He could do what He said He could do and the believed that He cared for them and others. They heard what He was saying and about the miracles He was doing, and they believed.
If you are anything like me, then listen very closely to this next part. Don't confuse understanding with believing. None of them understood, due to the things about Jesus being so far beyond their comprehension and ability to understand. (Count me down as one of them.) There are biblical scholars who have spent their lives studying the Scriptures who can't understand all that Jesus did and continues to do for us. But the all still believe.
That is something that we can all do. Each one of us can believe that Jesus can heal that loved one who is sick. You can believe He can provide you with that job that you so desperately need. I can believe that He can change my heart each and every time I come to Him. It isn't necessary to understand how He is going to do all these things, we simply just need to believe that He can! If you look around your life you can see the evidence of His life, death, and resurrection. It isn't hard to find. Just look and believe.
I don't know how to say this any plainer but simply put Jesus said it. He did it. Just like Nike says "Just Do It!" Jesus says "Just Believe It!"
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