
Those who were there that day knew something was different, that this was more than just another execution by crucifixion on Golgotha. The sky has darkened quickly and very unexpectedly. The one hanging on the cross in the middle began to raise His head, peering upward and looking for something, and then focusing into the darkness, He seemed to roar, "It is finished!" The words came from Him with the greatest of authority like a King ordering His servants. It has a sense of completion and finality. In reality it was a cry of the ultimate victory. 

The word that the Greek use is tetelestai meaning "it is accomplished," in our language it means that the job was done. I wonder often what those that didn't know Jesus or who He was thought about what He said. I imagine that they wondered to themselves, "what is finished?" I hope that one day they learned that God's eternal plan of redemption for all humanity was completed that day and that it included them. I hope that they learned that Jesus' sacrifice was for the atonement of all our sins, past and present, that He stood in our place of judgement before God so that we could experience a personal relationship with a holy God. I hope that they learned that all prophecies and promises were fulfilled in this moment on that day in history. 

Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us. In our sin we are unable to understand and unable of standing before our holy and just God. We can be the best workers and do the most for the kingdom during our time on earth but it just isn't enough. Our own merits won't get us there. It took a sacrifice of blood to atone for the sins of the world. That is why God sent His Son to assure us of our salvation. He took the wrath that was poured out on Him. He took the beatings, He withstood the trial, He carried the cross, and He was hung on it for you and for me. No more sacrifices are needed because His death on the cross was what God required. One life covered all lives. 

Jesus took our sin upon Himself at the cross while ensuring us an eternal life with Him. No one is expecting perfection. Just be forgiven. Allow Him to enter your life and change it from the inside out. 

"You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for He forgave all our sins. He cancelled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross." Colossians 2:13-14 
