Believe That

I know the feeling of being all alone. We all do...if we are honest about it. We have all been there at some point in our lives. We find ourselves facing something we hadn't planned on and don't think we can get beyond, hoping a word of wisdom will fall from above. And what happens? The clouds continue to swarm and the sky darkens up. 

I have found myself walking through life not sure where to turn for help, not knowing who I should trust, let alone who could possibly help me in through the situation that I have found myself in. Too many times I have looked down that long, dark, and winding road stretched out before me, uncertain of where it lead, but I knew I had no choice except to go on. 

And the I read the apostle Paul's words to the Colossians, and that urges me to embrace heavenly thoughts that will guide my actions. All of this is possible because I have a new life and a fresh start in Jesus Christ. All because He chose to sacrifice Himself for me. 

In the darkest moments of my life, I remember that the stone rolled away from the tomb, and that the tomb is EMPTY! I am not alone and neither are you. In the midst of all the things that this life can throw at us, we can rest in the fact that Christ died for us, rose from the grave, and we have new life in Him. Knowing this provides us with the motivation to press on, to punch on through the gathering storms. Simply knowing He will provide a way through into the sunshine is the most comforting thing I know. 

HE IS RISEN! For you and for me! 

Are you there? Are you feeling all alone, feeling the hopelessness circling around you? The message Christ has today is that hope reigns. When He stepped out of that tomb hopelessness was forever defeated. Don't feel alone. It simply isn't so. Do yourself a favor today - never, ever BELIEVE THAT again! 

"Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth." Colossians 3:1-2
