At Just The Right Time

"Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord! I have fled to you for refuge." Psalm 143:9 ESV

I have learned in my life that God's timing is absolutely perfect. Things happen just the way that they are intended to happen, the good and the bad! God knows everything that is going to happen before it does. Everything that you and I experience is "God" ordained. He allowed it. Our struggles, while at times are of our own making, God has allowed. The times of plenty and harvest in our lives, God has set that up too. He knew that this day, at this time, that I would be sitting in this office typing out these words for someone that needed to read them, someone that need to be lifted up or reminded that He is in control and that you aren't alone. He goes before you and He will never leave you. Why? Cause He is eternal, that's why!

Jesus has always been. He was with God before there was a "earth" or before there was time. He did not begin on a day in December nor did He just magically appear into being. He has always been. Bottom line: Jesus is eternal and has always been. While eternal He did humble Himself to become like us so that He could sacrifice Himself for you and for me. He took on human form to deliver us from the punishment that was to come.

Jesus was completely eternal when He stepped into our world. The book of Romans tells us that the sin nature that we all possess was passed down from Adam, the first man. We are all born with a nature and leaning towards sin. If Jesus had been conceived like every other man and woman then He would then cease to be Holy, thus we have the conception through the Holy Spirit and the virgin birth. And in order to deliver us from the law He had to be born of the law.

Jesus' miraculous birth brought about a great many things but to me the most important thing was that He was born under the laws of Moses. He had to be born of a woman so that He could sacrifice Himself for us. (Heavy ain't it?) When you think of what Jesus went through as a kid, a teenager, and a young man and still He was sinless? I can tell you that my mind can't fathom the fact that He was alive for 33 years and didn't sin. It completely befuddles my mind when I think that I struggle with the same things over and over again but Jesus never did. Although when He went to the Cross He did feel the pain from the things that I have done that under the old laws would permanently separate me from fellowship with God.

Through His pain and suffering we all find redemption of the sin that plagues us. He paid for all our sins, great and small. He laid down His life to "atone" for each and every man, woman, and child on earth that has ever lived. He died to deliver me from porn. He died to deliver you from alcoholism. He died to deliver you from drugs. He died to deliver you from anger and bitterness. He died for any other sin that you can come up with. He went to the Cross in order to bring us into His family. He had to atone for our sin so that we could come to the Father. He restored the communication that was broken when Adam and Eve first sinned all those years before. I have always heard it said like this: to be saved is to be grafted into the vine, meaning, when a grape grower wants to combine two different vines together he cuts them and ties them together and with time and growth they eventually make one whole plant. When we humble ourselves and admit that we are sinners God begins the grafting process. It doesn't always feel good and sometimes things need to fall away that aren't helpful to us but the end result is so much better.

Remember this: If you will simply humble yourself before Him you to can be grafted back into fellowship with Him. He will show up at just the right time to deliver you from what ever it is that is plaguing you.
