I have a lot of weeds in my yard here in Alabama. I think I have seen about every kind of weed invading my yard at one time or another. (The struggle is real!) I am told that the best way to keep weeds out of your yard isn't to focus so much on killing the weeds, but rather to keep the grass thick and lush. You see, strong grass chokes out the weeds and keeps them from gaining a foothold in your yard or garden. In a yard full of weeds you can almost guarantee the grass is thin and patchy.
Do you remember the parable Jesus told about the farmer and the seeds in Matthew chapter 13? AS the farmer scattered the seeds across the field, they landed in several places. Some of the seeds fell on the path and were eaten up by the birds, some seeds fell on shallow ground with poor soil and when they sprouted up they withered in the hot sun because of their poor roots, and some seeds where choked out by nasty weeds that were growing near by. Thankfully, some of the seeds the farmer threw out in the field fell on fertile soil, growing beautifully and strong and producing an abundant harvest.
We put "seeds" into our lives every day. Whether it is our thoughts, the friends we associate with, or the things we allow to influence us, all of these things can either make you stronger or make you weaker. The more good things and good people, the more positive influences you associate with in all areas of your life, the more likely those things will choke out the bad ones. The more time you spend with people that provide a good influence on your life and the more time you spend thinking on the blessings in your life the better that chance that the weed called temptation and evil can't gain a foothold in your life.
It can start with a single weed. One weak spot in your life opens itself up to a weed and leads to an uncontrollable amount, an infestation that will take lots of work to remove, but this doesn't happen overnight. Make sure your relationships aren't encouraging weeds to crop up in your mind. your attitude, or in the things you do. Surround yourself with people that will provide you with a positive influence and then in turn be a positive influence for others.
Spend time in prayer and in the Word to keep your life "weed" free. God is the ultimate gardener, He will prune and cut us so that stronger, more stable parts can grow in place.
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8ESV
Do you remember the parable Jesus told about the farmer and the seeds in Matthew chapter 13? AS the farmer scattered the seeds across the field, they landed in several places. Some of the seeds fell on the path and were eaten up by the birds, some seeds fell on shallow ground with poor soil and when they sprouted up they withered in the hot sun because of their poor roots, and some seeds where choked out by nasty weeds that were growing near by. Thankfully, some of the seeds the farmer threw out in the field fell on fertile soil, growing beautifully and strong and producing an abundant harvest.
We put "seeds" into our lives every day. Whether it is our thoughts, the friends we associate with, or the things we allow to influence us, all of these things can either make you stronger or make you weaker. The more good things and good people, the more positive influences you associate with in all areas of your life, the more likely those things will choke out the bad ones. The more time you spend with people that provide a good influence on your life and the more time you spend thinking on the blessings in your life the better that chance that the weed called temptation and evil can't gain a foothold in your life.
It can start with a single weed. One weak spot in your life opens itself up to a weed and leads to an uncontrollable amount, an infestation that will take lots of work to remove, but this doesn't happen overnight. Make sure your relationships aren't encouraging weeds to crop up in your mind. your attitude, or in the things you do. Surround yourself with people that will provide you with a positive influence and then in turn be a positive influence for others.
Spend time in prayer and in the Word to keep your life "weed" free. God is the ultimate gardener, He will prune and cut us so that stronger, more stable parts can grow in place.
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8ESV
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