A Few Minutes

Do you (like me) have moments in your life when you feel like everyone is demanding a piece of you, looking for you everywhere, armed with their "urgent" requests and deadlines? Are you a mom that stays at home with the kids that desires a moment for yourself, if only just to collect your thoughts? So you try to find a place where they don't know to look. Or maybe you just turn off your phone for a few minutes of peace and quiet. (You have know idea how often I wish that I could do this!)

The Gospels mention some very similar moments for Jesus, moments when the people are pressing Him on every side. Times when He realized that He had to get away and just be with Himself. Times when He no doubt spent time talking with His Father about what He was going through. Times to just simply put up His feet and rest - time to simply stop and think.

I imagine that there were times when Jesus simply just wanted to get away and take a nap. I can't imagine the fatigue that He bore simply from having to walk everywhere He went. I also imagine that while He rested He thought about the next days plans and what He wanted to try and accomplish for His Father. And during this time of rest He was in commune with His Father about how to best go about the work He gave Him to do.

I would like to say that I always follow Christ's example but this idea of stopping what I am doing and getting alone with the Father? For me it's simply not part of my DNA and I would say that naturally it isn't part of yours either. Our current society doesn't embrace this idea either. If we did this everyday at work people would likely call you a recluse or say that you are anti-social. Instead of pulling away, taking some time and recharging our batteries - society tells us to go full steam ahead.

Recently, a good friend of mine challenged me in this area of my life. He had noticed that I had pulled away and not in a good way. That I was becoming so wrapped up in my work and in my "life" that I had forgotten the one that put me where I am. He told me that I while he agreed with my need for rest after a long week that I had to find the time to commune with the Father and His people. I would like to say that I have totally followed his advice (I am working on it). But I had to ask myself:

Why not begin to find some time in my day to be alone and quiet? Find time before my day starts to spend time alone with the God who created me and all that I see around me. Why not put my feet up and think if only for a few minutes?

God's desire for us to have a relationship with Him. We have to find times to simply escape with Him, alone, and recharge. Our relationship is with Him is one that requires maintenance. We have to spend time with Him to grow it. When we ignore our "time" with Him we will start to pull away from Him, from His church, and the people He puts in our lives to give us the kind of "charge" we need in our lives. God desires to be with us and help us and we just need to slow it down for a few moments and seek Him.

"Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray. Later Simon and the others went out to find Him. When they found Him, they said, "Everyone is looking for you."
