Always Getting In The Way

I once heard someone say, "That is not how I use my religion!" And to be honest I really don't know what they meant, but I do see that too often our "religion" seems to be getting in the way of really hearing from God, taking us down the path that ends in a lift of words and deeds that demonstrate we are truly following His word.

Religion is defined by Websters as an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods but this is not what God intended. When Christ proclaimed His message and performed His ministry on earth, He lived in the midst of a complex religious society, not unlike what we see today. The leaders of Jesus' day had as diverse religious views as we see in our society today.

  • The Pharisees believed that right religion consisted of a strict adherence to divine laws, rituals, and traditions.
  • The Sadducees focused on the present, relativists who discounted most things supernatural, modifying Scripture and tradition to fit their needs. 
  • The Essenes believed that right religion meant separation from the rest of society, piety for the sake of being pious, and a simple lifestyle. 
  • The Zealots were a fanatical fringe group of nationalists who thought that right religion centered in being a radical political activist.
You will not find a Southern Baptist, Methodist, Nazarene, Presbyterian, or a Catholic mentioned anywhere in the Bible. I don't care which version you read. It just isn't there. These denominations rose throughout history as believers grouped together around common interests or beliefs, way of expressing worship, in defense of scriptural truths that had been lost, and other things to which they believed the Lord called them. But to be considered a Christian denomination, their underlying foundation must be born out of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

The central focus of Christ's message to every person then and to every one of us today is that the ONLY way to God is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The way of His kingdom is first, foremost, and above all else a matter of the heart - a right attitude towards God and other people - a life of service to others. 

Our faith must be shown to be relevant in the world - flowing from the inside out and reflecting a personal relationship with Jesus Christ - to have any lasting impact or life changing power in the fallen world that we live in.

We have to stop arguing over the things that in the end have no eternal value and get back to the only thing that matters - What God's Word says and do we have a relationship with Him? It's as simple as that. Anything else always gets in the way....Jesus said it best when He said: 

"And he said to them, "Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, 'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.' You leave the commandment of God, and hold to the tradition of men." Mark 7:6-8 ESV

So which will we hold on tightly to? The commandments of a denomination(men)? Or to the commandments of God? Will we get out of God's way or will we continue to try and "fix" what we broke in the first place. 
