A Way Out

The apostle Paul said, "If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure." My friends, it is easy to waver in the face of temptation. Leading up to the verses above, Paul reminds the faithful in Corinth about the Israelites, whom God personally accompanied during their journey from captivity in Egypt to the Promised Land. Along the way, unfortunately, they worshipped false idols, fell to the lures of sexual immorality, and they put God to the test. They even grumbled and complained the whole way because things weren't just the way they wanted it. Remind you of anyone?

It is so easy to do the same things today. We can be riding along, doing what God has asked us to do...then all of the sudden things show up in our life that distract us, dishearten us, and tempt us to stray from the path. It has been said many times that Satan doesn't worry about us when we don't pose a threat to him. But I promise you that when you become a threat to him-by doing God's work-then look out cause he will come at you with both barrels blazing.

Want some advice? Stay rooted to people who are of similar mindset and have a similar focus in life about the Lord and His work. I can tell you the times I saw the most growth and at the same time the most persecution from the enemy was when I was being held accountable by my brothers in Christ and when I am walking the path the God has laid out for me. It's like this, a rattlesnake is most dangerous when he has his fangs but when you pull his teeth he is harmless.

Stay grounded in the Word and connected to the family of God. Everyone gets busy, and hear me when I say this, it is very easy to get disconnected in a short amount of time. Don't let it happen. Make sure that you stay tied tightly to God through regular quiet time with Him and fellowship with others through study of God's Word, prayer, and corporate worship.

God has promised us that through the leading of the Holy Spirit within us, He will always lead us where He wants us. And remember to guard against temptation, stay rooted to people of faith, read God's word, and listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit and God will show you a way out of any situation that He isn't in.
