Keep Your Eye On The Donut

I saw this poem in a book that I was reading and it struck a chord inside of me.

"As you travel through life brother,
Whatever be your goal,
Keep your eye upon the donut, 
And not upon the hole."

This little poem has a lot of truth in it. It reminded me of an important lesson: You should spend more time looking at the things you have, not worrying about the things you don't.

It is easy to look around and see others that I perceive have it better than I do, people that live in bigger houses or driver nicer cars or that seem to have it "all." But the truth is that when you step back and really think about it we all have more blessings than we can count. We can make it more of a habit to thank God for the gifts that we have and avoid feeling jealous or angry about the things that we don't. Everything we are given is God's anyways.
