God loves to decorate. If you don't believe me take a look no further than out a window. God's hand is seen in everything in nature. He made the trees that change colors in the fall and He made the sunset that can brings tears to your eyes. God not only loves to decorate, He has to decorate. If you allow Him to enter your heart and let Him stay long enough, your heart will be redecorated. Your heart will be changed. The pictures that hang on the wall of your heart, you know the ones of the hurts will be replaced by ones of grace. The walls that you built in anger and bitterness will be completely demolished and the cracked foundations of your life will be strengthened and restored. God can no more leave a life unchanged than a mother can bear to not wipe her childs tears.
If I am honest with myself then I will realize that this "discomfort" that I feel is simply God moving around the "furniture" in my heart. He is redecorating my life right now. I wouldn't have asked to go through the things that I have had to deal with in the past few weeks but I won't ask Him to take them away either. I realize that God has had His hand on me this whole time and that He is preparing my heart for such a bigger job. He is getting the rooms cleaned out in my heart that I need to have ready for the next phase of my life.
This remodel of my heart has not come in a painless fashion. Any remodel or redecoration comes with discomfort and pain. I can't complain when God adds a few simple things to my heart but when He began to gut my entire life a few weeks ago I can tell you that I had to simply ask Him the most obvious question, "WHY?" and I asked it more than once. And do you know what He told me? God showed me through the wisdom of my friends and family that it is not my place to question what God is doing but to simply do as He instructs, to be obedient to the one that saves, the one that took the place of me over 2,000 years ago. I am simply just supposed to do what He tells me to do. He never tells us that we have to like it or the way that He does it but we are to simply obey. God has such high aspirations for you and I if we will simply obey Him.
When I found out that my wife was not going to make it I remember being somewhat in shock and asking God to take me instead of her and I will never forget what my pastor, a man much wiser than I and one that I count as one of spiritual mentors, simply told me this, "Matt, You are looking through a key hole right now. You can only see a small part of the picture that God is trying to show you right now. God sees the entire picture all at the same time." Those words brought me so much comfort during that time and it is something that I will never forget. God sees in you and I an entire restoration. A complete and total remodel. And friend He won't stop until He gets completely finished. His desire is for each and every one of us to be like Jesus. I pray that He never gets finished with me.
If I am honest with myself then I will realize that this "discomfort" that I feel is simply God moving around the "furniture" in my heart. He is redecorating my life right now. I wouldn't have asked to go through the things that I have had to deal with in the past few weeks but I won't ask Him to take them away either. I realize that God has had His hand on me this whole time and that He is preparing my heart for such a bigger job. He is getting the rooms cleaned out in my heart that I need to have ready for the next phase of my life.
This remodel of my heart has not come in a painless fashion. Any remodel or redecoration comes with discomfort and pain. I can't complain when God adds a few simple things to my heart but when He began to gut my entire life a few weeks ago I can tell you that I had to simply ask Him the most obvious question, "WHY?" and I asked it more than once. And do you know what He told me? God showed me through the wisdom of my friends and family that it is not my place to question what God is doing but to simply do as He instructs, to be obedient to the one that saves, the one that took the place of me over 2,000 years ago. I am simply just supposed to do what He tells me to do. He never tells us that we have to like it or the way that He does it but we are to simply obey. God has such high aspirations for you and I if we will simply obey Him.
When I found out that my wife was not going to make it I remember being somewhat in shock and asking God to take me instead of her and I will never forget what my pastor, a man much wiser than I and one that I count as one of spiritual mentors, simply told me this, "Matt, You are looking through a key hole right now. You can only see a small part of the picture that God is trying to show you right now. God sees the entire picture all at the same time." Those words brought me so much comfort during that time and it is something that I will never forget. God sees in you and I an entire restoration. A complete and total remodel. And friend He won't stop until He gets completely finished. His desire is for each and every one of us to be like Jesus. I pray that He never gets finished with me.
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