"For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead will rise first. The we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words." 1st Thessalonians 4:16-18 ESV
I am personally going through a time in my life and the lives of the ones that I love, that seems very bleak. We have suffered for the past week with the loss of a wife, mother, daughter, and friend in Dena. And I have had so many people ask me how it is that I am continuing to keep a positive outlook on life and the situations that I now face. The answer is very, very simple, I am encouraged with the promise of a coming Resurrection.
It seems to me that the more bits of information I have about how my own resurrection will occur and how and when Christ will return, the more assured I am that it will happen. That is exactly how our minds work - seeing tends to lead to believing. For a lot of people, that is how it worked when we place our trust in God for salvation. The more info and historical facts we have had at our disposal to prove what the Bible says, the more likely we are to take the leap of faith into God's waiting arms.
That is totally human nature! Someone tells you it's raining outside and depending on whether we trust the person that told us will help us make a decision to grab an umbrella or a coat. Even further we don't believe them until we look out the window ourselves. In either case, we eventually see that it is raining or not. The whole subject of Jesus return has always sparked much debate. Countless books have been written in regards to the time, the place, or the second that Jesus will make His return to this world. Books have also been written about people that have passed away and spent time in heaven and they sell because people are desiring a glimpse into the heavenly realm. They are looking for ways to bridge the gap that really just takes a leap of faith.
At the end of the day, everything still requires faith and faith is all you need. Remember this if you remember nothing else: When and how Christ will return will continue to be debated but the thing we all need to remember is this: He will!
I am personally going through a time in my life and the lives of the ones that I love, that seems very bleak. We have suffered for the past week with the loss of a wife, mother, daughter, and friend in Dena. And I have had so many people ask me how it is that I am continuing to keep a positive outlook on life and the situations that I now face. The answer is very, very simple, I am encouraged with the promise of a coming Resurrection.
It seems to me that the more bits of information I have about how my own resurrection will occur and how and when Christ will return, the more assured I am that it will happen. That is exactly how our minds work - seeing tends to lead to believing. For a lot of people, that is how it worked when we place our trust in God for salvation. The more info and historical facts we have had at our disposal to prove what the Bible says, the more likely we are to take the leap of faith into God's waiting arms.
That is totally human nature! Someone tells you it's raining outside and depending on whether we trust the person that told us will help us make a decision to grab an umbrella or a coat. Even further we don't believe them until we look out the window ourselves. In either case, we eventually see that it is raining or not. The whole subject of Jesus return has always sparked much debate. Countless books have been written in regards to the time, the place, or the second that Jesus will make His return to this world. Books have also been written about people that have passed away and spent time in heaven and they sell because people are desiring a glimpse into the heavenly realm. They are looking for ways to bridge the gap that really just takes a leap of faith.
At the end of the day, everything still requires faith and faith is all you need. Remember this if you remember nothing else: When and how Christ will return will continue to be debated but the thing we all need to remember is this: He will!
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