Today I was riding down the road and a person that I rank right up there as the "one that hurt me the most" called me. When they call it is a struggle for me to even pick up the phone. Do you have someone that you struggle with? Someone that hurt you so deeply that you struggle with forgiving them? Is their name coming to mind right now? Can you see their face? Now ask yourself, what have I done with that hurt that they caused?
Dealing with life's hurt is not an easy or painless thing to do but God gives us clear instructions on how to respond to this.
Romans 12:17-21(ESV) says, "Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
Now go back and re-read the passage again, slowly. Take in every word. Absorb what Paul is trying to relate to us.
The message that Paul is trying to relate is that the only thing more powerful than evil is GOOD! Unforgiveness is a cancer that will eat you alive from the inside out. The person in my life that has caused and occasionally still causes much strife in my life is not to be hated or treated as such. I have learned and I am still learning the simple truth that I must release my hurt and anger not relive it every time that I have to deal with them.
It takes a strong act of will on your part to make the choice to forgive the person that hurt you. You may not feel like forgiving them and frankly they may not "deserve" it but it has to happen for your own healing to take place. You have no control over how this person acts or reacts but you have 100% control over the way you react and respond.
You will also notice that I said "forgive" not "forget." The forgetting of the pain can take years to take place. Old emotions can still come back to the surface from time to time and frankly you can't do it alone. It takes a movement of the Holy Spirit to keep them in check. When you totally and completely rely on God to move then and only then will you truly be able to live in the forgiveness that you have chosen. And when you find yourself in that place you can truly and honestly pray for a blessing in this person's life. The healing will have taken place.
Living a life of unforgiveness is like drinking bleach and expecting not to get sick and die. Living with a heart of forgiveness is like having a freshly tilled garden. Things will grow out of it that you never expected.
If you don't agree with me go back and read Romans 12:17-21. Then tell me why you can't forgive them. I am not saying it is easy but what worth having is ever easy.
If you don't forgive get ready because it will grow into bitterness then anger and then like acid it will eat you from the inside out.
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