
We all know that our enemy wants each and every father there is and ever was to fail miserably at our job. Not just to fail but to crash and burn!  But I also think he especially wants our boys to fail. I believe there are several reasons for this.

First, Satan reminds me of "Gordon Gecko" type guy, you know, the evil guy from Wall Street. He is like a shrewd financial investor seeking a huge return for his effort. He seeks the biggest bang for his buck. Young men represent a great opportunity for him if they can be led astray. Young men can do loads and loads of damage - physical damage, financial damage, relational damage, and societal damage - when they are not serving the Lord. Have you ever notice that most of the scary mug shots you see are of young men and not young women?

Second, the enemy not only takes in immediate returns from his investment in young men, he takes in great long term results as well. When Satan reviews his portfolio on a young man, he revels at the compounding problems he can create when men have lost their way. The history books are covered up with men who had an explosive and multigenerational impact in a totally negative way. It starts from a absentee father to a crooked stock broker to the ruthless dictator bent on total domination of his people, men greatly outnumber women in the pages of scandal and destruction throughout the history of the world. Take down one man and you can take down his descendants, this is what our enemy is counting on.

Thirdly, Satan destroys godly womanhood through men. Men are often the root cause of women falling into prostitution and pornography.Ultimately, these are things most women would not choose for any other reason. Men unwittingly drag generations of women through the filth of our selfish passions and absence of leadership. The enemy's destruction of fatherhood nets all kinds of collateral damage.

So if you are like me and the father of a son or sons, you sir are one of our mutual enemy's prime targets. Commit with me to stand in the gap for one another and for our sons. Pray for them! Engage them! Rebuke them when necessary! Most of all encourage them and inspire them to follow the Lord with all their heart.
