
Did you know that are reasons we love the people that we do? There are two things we all have in common about those we love. First, we admire something about the people we love. Second, they make us feel good about ourselves.

This formula for love never changes-it is always true. Even in our relationship with Christ this is true.

For instance, I love Christ because I admire Him. There is no one that I admire more. But admiration for His character and nature is not the only reason I love Him. I love Christ because of what He did for me on the cross, and for what He does for me daily in my walk with Him. He makes me feel valued, special, and secure. I love the way He makes me feel about myself.

The truth is, you will never fall in love with a person who makes you feel bad about yourself and true love is not about what someone can give you or do for you.

Just think back to the "puppy love" stage of your relationship. You were attracted to each other and couldn't wait to spend time together. There are two reasons for this, you liked something about the other person and you liked the way they made you feel about yourself.

There is a reason things break down and the "puppy love" fades. .

One of the most crucial roles you play in their life is to be God's instrument in revealing to them that they are very important and special. When you are no longer feeding each other's self esteem and regularly highlighting the things you admire about each other, the formula for love begins to break down.

The cool thing is that this situation is easily reversed, if you will work at it. As you make an effort to look for and talk about the things you admire in each other, you will begin to rebuild each other's self esteem. Will some hard work and a lot of effort, you will see immediate results.

The way they make you feel will improve and you will discover that the formula for love is easier that you might have previously thought.
