Prep Work

Whatever is evil, vengeful, lustful, tempting, or ungodly tends to stick in our minds like a fly to sticky paper. We have to be vigilant not to let that happen!

This applies to all kinds of inappropriate thoughts-anger, bitterness, vengeance, jealousy, criticism, negativity, and so on. But this also applies to lust and pornography, which can turn into an addiction as real and as strong as being addicted to alcohol and drugs. Pornography is easier to access these days than it was when I was a younger man. It is so easy to access and considered somewhat harmless by the worlds standards today. You can get into so deep that it can take residence in your mind before you realize it's a problem. And the thing is your don't have to go to an adult bookstore or an X-rated movie theater to be tempted by it. It gets into our lives a lot of different ways. It is a favorite tool of the enemy because it is so subtle. But let me tell you, this is something that is extremely damaging, and the best way to keep it from becoming a problem is to avoid it all together.

As a father, I have to be sensitive to the ways that our culture has changed and the way things that God says are unacceptable has become the norm. As easily as an adult can be tempted in this area, kids today even more! And it isn't just a matter of pornography but a matter of decency. If I put a swimsuit issue on my living room coffee table(which by the way my wife would NOT allow) what message am I sending to my sons and further more what message am I sending to my daughters? What am I teaching her about the way women are to be perceived? Not to mention the fact that I am allowing myself to be tempted to look lustfully at a woman other than my wife. We HAVE to protect our own minds and the minds of those that God has entrusted us with. This starts with the "small" things we allow to chip away at the boundries that we should keep.

The best way to protect those boundaries is to pray early and often! Whenever you sense a inappropriate thought forming, ask God to take it from you and to clean your mind of it. Our minds and hearts are God's treasured territory and we should never allow anything unholy to enter. Another way is to have a partner in prayer and study of the Word that will hold you accountable to the things that you see, say, and hear. And finally, remove all temptation. Simple as that! Don't associate with those that think a "little porn" is ok. Girls, don't date a guy that you know watches or looks at that filth and when they ask tell them why! Hold them to the highest standard, God's standard. When we live by His standard there won't be any room for anything that is not from Him.

Your mind is a battlefield. Protect it from impurities and fill it with the truth of His Word. If that means changing some things, What are you waiting for?
