
I can remember the day vividly. It was the day that stepped down off the broken and crooked road. It was the day that I accepted the free mercy and grace that I had ran from like a slave running from his master. I was trying to escape to what I thought was a "better" life. A life free from rules and regulations, a life that I would choose my own outcome. I simply didn't want "His" chains, I wanted to be free. The crazy thing is that the freedom that I was searching for wasn't actually freedom at all. It was the ultimate bondage.

That is what sin does to you. You become like one of those people that experience a hostage situation, you actually think that you don't deserve better, that you don't qualify for God's free grace. You believe that you are so unworthy that you are better off just staying where you are. That you don't deserve to be saved. It is not freedom! It is bondage. It is the ultimate chain. These chains have names too. Names like: pornography, drugs, alcohol, premarital sex,adultery, gluttony, slothfulness, covetousness, etc, etc. All these things lead to death, some physical death, but most a death of your senses. Which is exactly what the enemy wants! 

Why give in to the enemy when the victory given by our Lord is so much better? Read His word and you will discover that the enemy is like a roaring lion, seeking to kill and destroy any and all in his path. But you will also find that Jesus holds the keys to hell and death and that in the end He is victorious. 
