10 Ways To Love Your Wife

Everyone talks about "love at first sight". While that is great when it happens, true romance is love at last sight, loving your wife for 50 years or so until one of you passes. Anyone can "love" for a year or two but real men love for a lifetime. I borrowed the list below from "All Pro Dad" and I have found it pretty helpful and thought I would share it.

10 Ways To Love Your Wife For Life:

1. Understand that love is, primarily, a commitment:
    A marriage is decision rooted in a covenant. This means that the future of a marriage is not
    dependent on feelings, but on commitment to values.

2. Understand that love is always a choice:
    Because of our commitment, we can choose to love. This is actually a lot easier than waking
    up in the morning wondering if we're still "in love." Love is a choice.

3. When you wake up in the morning, imagine specific things that you can do to serve your           wife(then actually do them):
    Loving actions reinforce the choice to love. Do this routinely and the feelings will be there in

4. Tell your wife, every day, that you love her:
    Things become more true when you speak them; love is no exception. Not only will your wife
    respond genuinely, but you will also live into the words you express.

5. Tell you wife, every day, she is beautiful:
    If you believe it, she will too. When she believes it...that is a very good thing! Not only is that
    a good thing but it will actually become increasingly true.

6. Remeber that you are the only one you can change:
    There is a lot of compromise in long-term love. It is best to lead by example and be the change
    you want to see.

7. Establish a habit of faithfulness:
    This point is not just about the physical relationship. Be faithful in the way you use your time, in
    your allocation of resources, and in the way that you talk. Faithfulness or fidelity has many facets
    and they all focus the light on the soul of your relationship.

8. Choose each day to love your wife out loud:
    Just a few examples: flowers, chocolates, regular dates, words of affirmation, words of
    endearment, love notes, cards, attention, weekend getaways, respect, concern, gestures of kindness

9. Always build up your wife:
    At least two things happen when a man affirms and encourages his wife. First she is lifted up and
    second he feels more positively about the relationship.

10. Always put your wife first:
      Here's what happens when a man puts himself first:
      Love is sucked out of the relationship
      Tension is created to always make him "happy"
      He becomes impossible to satisfy
      Resentment replaces service
      Much more negative stuff I don't have time to list

      Here's what happens when a man puts his wife first:
      The relationship is love-centered
      She automatically seeks to please him
      Respect and encouragement dominate the relational landscape
      The home is pretty much tension free
