Fred Phelps, founder of Westboro Baptist Church passed away this morning. I'm sad to see what other "Christians" are saying in regards to his death.
While I absolutely do NOT agree with his thinking or the actions of his church and followers, I am saddened at the words of some brothers and sisters in Christ have had to say in regards to him. We have no right to judge his words or deeds anymore than anyone else's. To celebrate the death of a man that obviously missed the boat in what it meant to follow Christ and His teachings is ludicrous. The things that have been done and said in Christ name by Mr. Phelps and his followers is reprehensible and embarrassing but they are in my opinion no different than any other lost soul searching for a place of love and acceptance. We are not called to condemn but to love. While we may not agree with someone we are to love them and show them the grace Christ has shown us.
Imagine you were his child or grandchild. You have lost your father or grandfather and people are saying publicly, "good riddance!" Or "he got what he had coming!" How would you feel about it?
Like I said, I don't agree with their "theology" or practices as a church body. And I don't stand with their way of communicating their displeasure either! But don't run a dead man down and don't cause yourself to sin by the same type of behavior. Show grace and pray for him and his family and pray God be glorified and good come from it. It's never too late to make a turn back!
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