Before Jesus I was nothing and the truth is I am still nothing with out Him. It is because He allowed himself to be hung on a cross that I am able to life in freedom. Freedom from sin and condemnation. My life is His and not my own. That is a decision that we have to make day in and day out. We have to live out our lives in a way pleasing to God and striving for holiness in all things.
I could say that my wife saved my life. I could say my pastor saved my life. I could say the doctor that pumped my stomach when I was three years old and swallowed a whole bottle of aspirin saved my life. But truly, Jesus saved my life. Jesus saved me eternally and for ever more!
My name is Matt Mosley. I'm not perfect but I love Jesus and He loves me. I am striving to be God's man. Jesus saved my life. If you aren't saved He will save you too. All you need to do is ask him. If you don't know how to start email me! I would love to share with you how His love can change your life.
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