
"Just as day was breaking, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know it was Jesus. Jesus said to them, "Children, do you have any fish?" They answered Him, "No." He said to them, "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some." So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish." John 21:4-6 ESV 

Now, I am what I would call a "fair-weather" fisherman. I like the idea of fishing, as long as the fish are biting and it isn't too hot outside, but despite that, I can fully appreciate the verses I have referenced above. And yes, I have spent time on a boat, out in the heat and didn't catch the first fish. 

Here, we find the disciples in a boat on the Sea of Galilee, and I can imagine that they were all pretty upset that they spent all night on the boat and had absolutely nothing to show for their efforts. One might have blamed it on the tide or perhaps another simply just said that they didn't have luck on their side that night. All of this happened about a week after Jesus had been crucified, buried, and miraculously raised from the dead and began to reappear to them, so they really didn't have anything to complain about but here we find them upset from a poor night of fishing. 

I can imagine the things that they must have thought when someone from the shore called out and asked them how the fishing was and if they had caught anything. The look on their faces must have been rather unhappy ones. And then to have the same person tell them they were fishing on the wrong side of the boat? Irritated wouldn't accurately describe it. But they did what they were told and they caught more fish than they could handle by themselves. And immediately they knew who had told them this valuable piece of information. 

All Jesus was doing was reminding them of everything that He had taught them while He was with them. He had poured into their lives, selecting and teaching them, equipping and encouraging them, and then sending them out into the world. He forbade them from staying on the sidelines. He wanted them to go out and get hands on experience. It was the ultimate OJT. He sent them out to "fish" for the souls of men, women, and children, just like He taught them to before He died. He sent them out to make a difference in the world, to change lives, to love the unloved, feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and heal the sick. 

So why do we struggle with the fishing today? Why are our churches stagnant in growth and ineffective in our communities? Simply put, we have forgotten how to fish. As Christians, we are all called to faithfully cast out the net and let God be responsible for what we bring in. We have to get back to the basics of fishing for men and women through the example and power of Jesus Christ. Fishing. That is what Jesus calls each one of us to do with Him.
