
"Sometimes the greatest opposition to what God wants to do next comes from those who were on the cutting edge of what God did last." R.T Kendall

“And next to him among the three mighty men was Eleazar the son of Dodo, son of Ahohi. He was with David when they defied the Philistines who were gathered there for battle, and the men of Israel withdrew. He rose and struck down the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clung to the sword. And the Lord brought about a great victory that day, and the men returned after him only to strip the slain.”
‭‭2 Samuel ‭23:9-10‬ ‭ESV‬‬

A few years back, while I was till announcing high school football games, I noticed a man taking pictures on the sidelines during the game. The crowd was loud and really into the game but the man didn't really seem to notice. He was total focused on the game. Every single play required his complete and utter attention. Every time the ball started to move, his camera was up and ready to take a great number of pictures. And just like this man that was prepared to take pictures on the sidelines of a high school football game, we have to be ready too. We have to remain ever vigilant to seize the opportunities that the Lord places in our path. There are opportunities all around us each and every single day. But how often do we not take the time to notice them. The man, Eleazar, didn't miss his chance. 

I honestly don't know much about the man that is referenced in the verses I attached above but what I do know is that he was one of three of the Mighty Men. These men served David faithfully, defeating the odds each time. They looked to their King and served him faithfully every single day. But Eleazar has stuck out in my mind. The picture of Eleazar standing there, in the midday sun, the veins in his arm pulsating, and his hand holding fast to the sword he had just been swinging. He stood up for Israel when the rest of the army ran. He took the field and the Lord blessed him for the effort. 

Every one of our lives is defined by a moment, a moment when a choice was made, a choice that would dictate the course of your life. Does that make you nervous? If God is ordering your steps then it shouldn't. If God is guiding you then you should be excited to see what He is going to do next. Now, these moments are fewer and farther apart than we probably realize but they are a part of every single life in human history. It is our action and inaction that have eternal consequences. 

When I fail to act, I fail to seize my future. Inaction is still action just like indecision is still a decision. I can't begin to count the number of times that I didn't move because I was scared it was the wrong move. Edmund Burke once said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." How many times do we walk away when we should be charging forward? What if the generation of World War II would have ignored the call and stayed home rather than go and fight? If they had failed to act on our behalf, yes ours, today, then we might well be living in a socialistic/marxist/nazi society. It was their bravery, courage, and sacrifice that allow me the freedom to write and work and live in a free country. What if Christ had decided that He didn't want to get beaten to bloody pulp and die an agonizing death? We would still be separated from God and living under the old laws and I for one don't know that I could make it under those terms. 

Every single man and woman is called to the battle. We are called to stand in the field with our sword drawn and fight until our hand is stuck to the sword. We are in a fight with darkness that falls to the light. We are in a war with fear that is defeated by faith. We battle hate with the hope of Jesus Christ. And when I take up arms in battle for Christ, with Christ by my side, the gates of hell will get knocked down and they cannot hope for victory. God's truth is unstoppable. His grace is unconquerable but we have to step up to the opportunity. 

Why then do we often times remain silent when those around us are hurting and need us? We see people hurting and lost every single day. Homelessness and poverty aren't just a big city problem. There are people in every community that can't afford to feed their families or even keep the most basic of utilities on from month to month. There are people living in every community that don't dress like us or drive as nice a car as you do but I promise that God wants them in the fold as bad as He did you and I. Yet we stand by and do literally nothing. How many of us live in a house? Have a job? Have more than we need? I can tell you that I for one am convicted of my lack of inaction towards my fellow man. I gave up before I even tried to help using the excuse that "God didn't call me into that ministry." How that lie of the enemy has infected the people of God! We are all called and commanded to take care of the widows and orphans, to help the poor and give our all for the sake of Christ yet these problems grow more and more every single day. We have allowed our government to gentrify generations of the poor and become utterly dependent on the handouts they give.  What is stopping you from doing what you can? Which will we do: Hold our ground and like Eleazar or will we hold our peace and flee from battle? 

What I imagine in my mind when I think of Eleazar is a man that understood exactly what he was supposed to do and when he was supposed to do it. He had full faith that God would deliver him. He not only saw the opportunity God was giving him, he ran headlong into it and embraced it. He didn't allow fear, fear of failure or death, to impede him. He stepped up and stepped onto the field but he wasn't alone. He was willing to lay down his life if necessary and he did so in faith and in turn God blessed him for his faith.

The battle may have changed a little over the years but the rules of engagement remain the same as they did in Christ's day. With the Holy Spirit's help we have the ability to possess the same power that the disciples had on the day of Pentecost. We don't have to add anything to the gospel to make it attractive to those in our community all we have to do is be willing to step out in faith for Christ with the full knowledge that He will be there fighting alongside us and for us every step of the way. There are chances to show God's mercy and grace all around us every day. Chances to show kindness, courage, and just like the man on the sidelines we have to be ready to grab the opportunity. 

So which field of battle is God calling you to? Identify it and be ready to die on it if necessary. God will do the same work in you that He did in Eleazar, even to the point that your hand is frozen to the sword. He will always bless the efforts of those working on His behalf.  
