
“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love...
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.” ‭‭1st Corinthians ‭16:13-14, 23‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I have blown up and gotten mad. I have dropped the ball and let down my wife. I have messed up and forgot about my responsibilities. I have made mistakes and lost the respect of my peers. I have hurt people that I love.

These statements above all describe some of the ways I sin, seemingly endlessly.

It is no secret that we all live in a fallen, dying world. Every day we are confronted with the simple reality that brokenness is everywhere we allow our eyes to fall. No one single person is immune to it. We are all touched in some way by the realities of sin.

Since we are all bound together in this earthly walk, the next time you come in contact with someone that causes pain, whether for others or for themselves, remember this before you either ignore them or condemn them, no person feels worse about something that has gone wrong than someone who prefers to live in the right.

I can't honestly say that I know anyone that says they want to get up in the morning hoping they can inflict pain and suffering on those around them. I have no doubt that there are those type of people out in the world but I am talking about your average, run of the mill human being. I for one don't want to deal with the drama that comes with doing wrong to another person and I don't believe you do either.

When you and I encounter someone whose sin has caused another person pain, we need only realize that there is not a lot you or I can say or do to make them feel worse than they already do. There is something that we can do. It isn't a suggestion that God makes but rather a command He makes of every single Christian. We can bring healing and restoration to them. We can show them grace. The shocking kind of grace that Christ has shown each one of us. The kind of grace that God has repeatedly poured out on me when I have really failed and fallen.
